Giving a Wedding Speech

Most people find giving a speech at a Wedding to be quite stressful but if you get some help preparing beforehand you will deliver a Wedding Speech to be proud of. The normal structure of your wedding speech depends upon the speech you are giving - whether it is the best man, bride, groom or father of the bride.  

When first sitting down to write your wedding speech it may be a good idea to ask yourself why you have been asked to speak.  


Is it because you are expected to express good wishes or thanks, or because you are old and wise and expected to give advice, or because you are an extrovert and known for being humorous.


Maybe it's because you are closely related to the other members of the family, or because you are a friend who has known the bride and groom for many years? The answer to this question may suggest to you what sort of speech to give.



Father of the Bride Speech

Traditionally you are the person who was paying for the wedding so it usually falls to you to start off the speeches.

- You welcome everyone to the wedding and the groom's parents into the family
- Say how beautiful the bride looks (you then have the chance to recount a story about when she was younger)
- Welcome the groom into the family
- Offer some advice or words of wisdom about married life (often a good place to tell a joke or two)
- Thank anyone who has made the wedding special (caterers, vicar etc)
- Propose a toast to the bride and groom

If you do not have a master of ceremonies you will then need to introduce the groom to speak.



Bride Groom's Speech

You start by welcoming everyone into the family and often to make a point of praising people who have come out of their way to be present.

- You thank the bride's parents for raising such a nice daughter (historically this was to thank them for giving you her hand in marriage)
- You give some thanks to people who have made the wedding or reception special
- You say some nice words about the bride
- You propose a toast to the bridesmaids
- You also thank the best man for coming and you have the option to say a few brief words about him

If you do not have a master of ceremonies you then introduce the Best Man to speak.


Best Man Speech

You start by thanking the groom for asking you to be his best man.

- You tell a few funny stories about the Groom
- If you know the bride, you may be able to tell a few anecdotes about the bride (be extra careful about this)
- You have the option to read out a couple of cards from people who were not able to attend (be brief on this as it can be a bit boring for the audience)
- If you like you could propose a final toast to the bride and groom - wishing them happiness in their life together.

If there is no master of ceremonies you will need to introduce the next item - cutting of the cake - or thank the audience and invite them to carry on with enjoying themselves.


Bride's Speech

There is no traditional formal structure to a bride's speech - mainly as in the Victorian past it was only men who were expected to speak. However as a guide I would recommend the following structure.

- Thank everyone for coming
- Highlight any people who would like to have come, but were unable to come due to poor health
- Possibly tell the story of how you met the groom (if appropriate)
- Tell an amusing story
- Any special words that you would like to say

Since there is no formal structure, you should make sure that you have told the master of ceremonies where you would like to be featured.




You may also wish to look at some one liners for a wedding speech, best man's speech, bride speech, bridegroom speech or father of the bride.


The thought of standing up to deliver a wedding speech in front of hundreds guests can feel overwhelming. Knowing how to construct your speech and what to talk about will ensure you deliver a great speech and reduce any embarassing moments. If you are looking for more help with writing your wedding speech - why not check out these websites ?


These guidebooks provide speech givers the security and peace of mind that comes with knowing their wedding speech will be fantastic.






All Types of Wedding Speeches

Dan Stevens and Sally Samuels

Speeches for the Bride, Groom, Best Man, Maid of Honour, Father of the Bride and Mother of the Bride

There are sample speeches and toasts, quotes, jokes, one-liners and speech packs to help create your fantastic speech.


Best Man Speech Insight

Andrew Royce

The step-by-step guide will show you how to prepare an unforgettable best man speech in a couple of hours. You'll be able to make toasts, tell jokes and uphold your duties and responsiblilities as a best man.


Ultimate Wedding Speeches and Wedding Toasts

'Instant Access to Pre-written Wedding Speeches' 

Discover how to deliver the most touching, memorable, heartfelt speech for the happy couple. Know what to say to ensure you deliver a confident speech - even if you have are afraid to speak in front of people and even if you've never written or given a speech in your life.

This package contains speeches for: Best Man, Maid of Honor, Father of the Bride, Groom, Bride, Mother of the Bride or Groom, Father of the Groom, Groomsmen, Bride's Maid, Relatives of the Bride or Groom, Friends of the Bride or Groom.


Speeches and Toasts 

"Perfect Speeches For Every Occasion" 

Best Man Speeches, Groom Speeches, Bride Speeches, Maid of Honor Speeches and Father of the Bride Speeches.

Each speech can be quickly personalized by simply inserting names and personal stories. You can mix and match paragraphs from our sample speeches to create your own individual speech.




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